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The Advantages of Split System Air Conditioners: Why They're a Great Choice for Your Home

Are you considering upgrading your home's cooling system? When it comes to staying cool during those scorching Melbourne summers, it's important to choose the right air conditioner. One excellent option to consider is a split system air conditioner. These units offer a range of benefits that can make them the perfect fit for your home. Let's dive into why split system air conditioner installation, like the ones offered by What's The Fix Air, are such a smart choice.

1. Efficient Cooling

Split system air conditioners are known for their efficiency. They use advanced technology to cool your home effectively while consuming less energy compared to traditional systems. According to recent studies, split systems can be up to 40% more energy efficient than ducted systems. This means you can keep your home comfortable without worrying about skyrocketing energy bills.

2. Zone Control

One standout feature of split system air conditioners is their ability to provide zone control. What does this mean? It means you can set different temperatures for different areas or "zones" of your home. For example, you can keep the living room cooler during the day while setting a slightly higher temperature in the bedrooms. This level of control not only enhances comfort but also contributes to further energy savings.

3. Easy Installation

Unlike ducted systems that require extensive ductwork throughout the house, split system air conditioners are relatively easy to install. They consist of two main units: an indoor unit (which blows cool air into the room) and an outdoor unit (which houses the compressor). The indoor unit is typically mounted on a wall, and the outdoor unit can be placed discreetly outside your home. This streamlined installation process means less disruption during setup.

4. Quiet Operation

Have you ever been annoyed by the loud humming of an air conditioner? With split systems, noise is no longer an issue. These units are designed to operate quietly, making them ideal for maintaining a peaceful indoor environment. You can enjoy cool air without the distracting noise commonly associated with older air conditioning models.

5. Improved Air Quality

Split system air conditioners don't just cool your home; they also help improve indoor air quality. Many models come with built-in filters that trap dust, pollen, and other allergens, preventing them from circulating in your home. This is especially beneficial for those with allergies or respiratory issues, as it ensures cleaner and healthier air.

6. Cost-Effective

When considering the cost, split system air conditioners offer excellent value for money. While the initial investment might be slightly higher compared to some other systems, the long-term savings on energy bills and maintenance costs make them a financially smart choice. Additionally, their durability means you won't have to worry about frequent repairs or replacements.

7. Customization Options

Another advantage of split system air conditioners is the range of customization options available. They come in various sizes and capacities, allowing you to choose a unit that perfectly suits your home's cooling needs. Whether you have a small apartment or a large family home, there's a split system that can be tailored to fit your space.

8. Increasing Property Value

Investing in a split system air conditioner can actually increase the value of your property. Potential buyers are often attracted to homes that already have efficient cooling systems in place, which can make your property more desirable when it's time to sell.


In conclusion, split system air conditioners are an excellent choice for homeowners looking to upgrade their cooling systems. From energy efficiency and zone control to easy installation and improved air quality, these units offer a host of benefits that can enhance comfort and convenience in your home. If you're in the Melbourne area and considering installing a split system air conditioner, reach out to What's The Fix Air for expert advice and professional installation services. Stay cool and comfortable all year round with a split system air conditioner!

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